Jay Stritter For President

Jay Stritter For President!

Welcome to the official campaign site for the Stritter-Stewart Campaign for President 2004. Instead filling the page with boring details about policy and opinions on issues this site serves only two functions. To raise the largest amount of money possible and to entertain the potential voter. Instead of running a traditional campaign we have decided to show the voter who we are instead of what we stand for. If you would like to see a lame representation of who I, Jay Stritter am, visit my personal site at . It is amazing what one can throw together in five minutes.

The internet is full of useless and mind numbing sites, I figure why shouldn't I make one or two myself. If you want to amuse yourself go to google, search for miserable failure, and hit I'm Feeling Lucky. It does not seem to be all that challenging; and I will have something to do for a while. If you do not care about my presidential campaign go ahead and visit my other other site, or visit Jared's Page

Here is a picture of my running mate Jon Stewart

Visit the gallery for amusing pics.

My special secret service man for my protection.

Vote Vote Vote Vote (but only if you vote for me)